Passionate, innovative, and enterprising images in a journalistic style.

Al Gibes
Al is an award-winning photojournalist and digital pioneer. He is uniquely qualified to bring his vision and creativity to capture the images that best tell the story of your event, business, or other photo needs. His work has appeared in numerous national publications and digital platforms.
His passion for photography began as a teen, shooting sports and whatever assignments he could snare for the school newspaper. Upon completing a degree in Photojournalism at Southern Illinois University he moved west to launch his professional career, shooting for newspapers in New Mexico and Colorado, earning many state press association awards for his enterprising images.
The next stop was Las Vegas, where as news photo editor, was responsible for the visuals in the state's largest newspaper. Al was on the cutting edge of the digiital revolution, moving seamlessly from the world of film and darkrooms to pixels and digital photo editing. He also led the team that launched and operated and
Photography tools have changed over the years, and Al used them all – from a 4-by-5 view camera, to 35mm and medium-format black & white film, color transparencies, color negatives and the many flavors of digital that improve daily. His favorite camera today is a full-frame digital beauty, although he's also embraced and mastered iPhoneography, fulfilling his part of Ansel Adams' wish that everyone would someday carry a camera with them – always.